PSS Journey Brings Services to Sussex, Warren, & Morris Counties
Mobile Computer Classes, Case Management and Support Available in Sussex, Morris & Warren NJ Counties
PSS Journey: Opportunity on the Move enables the agency to reach residents in the more remote regions of Sussex, Northern Morris and Northern Warren Counties where residents may not have easy access to personal vehicles or public transportation. The roaming vehicle is staffed by a driver and a case manager, bringing free food and essential resources and supplies to those in need. The RV travels a set schedule throughout Sussex and Morris Counties delivering the services which the agency has successfully provided for 35 years.
PSS Journey visits the following municipalities:
Franklin - across from the library, 103 Main Street, Franklin
Hackettstown, Trinity United Methodist Church, 213 Main Street, Hackettstown
Hopatcong - Community Health & Wellness Center, 47 Hopatchung Road, Hopatcong
Netcong - Municipal Building, 23 Maple Avenue, Netcong
Vernon - United Methodist Church, 303 NJ Route 94, Vernon

PSS Journey contains computer workstations, internet, and a classroom and counseling area. The vehicle brings essential services and supplies to remote areas of Sussex, Warren and Morris Counties.

Funding from Impact 100 Garden State, a New Jersey women's philanthropic organization, was used to purchase and retrofit a recreational vehicle with internet access, computer work stations, and counseling and classroom space. Additional resources were provided by the Ellman Discovery Foundation.
Funding for PSS Journey in Hackettstown is provided by the County of Warren, Division of Human Services Administration.

Impact 100 Garden State has funded more than one million dollars in transformative grants to non-profit organizations serving residents in the New Jersey counties of Morris, Passaic, Somerset and Sussex. The organization's mission is to provide high-impact grants to organizations that reach underserved populations, to raise the profile of those that are less well known, and to highlight unmet needs in the areas of arts and culture, children and families, education, environment, health and wellness.