Home Visits Help New Mothers and Fathers
of Infants, Toddlers
Parents as Teacher Program Serves Parents in
Sussex & Hunterdon Counties

The Parents as Teachers program provides the information, support and encouragement parents need to help their children develop to their fullest potential during the crucial early years of life.
Trained home visitors help parents of toddlers to become their children's first and most influential teachers. Parenting skills training and support are tailored to the specific needs of individual families, providing practical, hands-on applications for real-world situations.
The Parents as Teachers program provided by Project Self-Sufficiency is available in Sussex and Hunterdon Counties to women who are parenting an infant or toddler. Participants can receive services in their own home, as well as on-site at Project Self-Sufficiency. The Partnership for Maternal & Child Health of Northern New Jersey offers the Parents as Teachers program in Warren County. Other activities and services include:
Assessment Services;
Case Management & Supportive Counseling;
Training in Life Skills such as communication skills, budgeting, household management, balancing a checkbook, stress management, and more;
Economic Self-Sufficiency Services;
Support Services;
Financial Assistance, such as subsidized childcare slots at the Little Sprouts Early Learning Center, transportation assistance, access to the food pantry and to clothing donations.
The Parents as Teachers Home Visitation program at Project Self-Sufficiency is funded by the New Jersey Department of Children & Families, Division of Prevention & Community Partnerships.
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