Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Information -
What You and Your Children Need To Know

Training sessions are conducted regularly at Project Self-Sufficiency and at sites throughout Sussex and Warren county. Sessions are currently virtual only.
Learn about Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Project Self-Sufficiency, in cooperation with Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey (PCA-NJ), has launched the Sussex Warren Partnership to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse. The "Enough Abuse" campaign educates teens and adults about the nature and scope of child sexual abuse, and provides the tools necessary to protect children from assault. With funding support from Prevent Child Abuse America, PCA-NJ has established the New Jersey Partnership to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, bringing together experts from every sector and region of the State who share a commitment to preventing child sexual abuse.
Coaches, parents, middle and high school students, teachers and other youth-serving professionals are welcome to attend free, virtual training sessions. Workshops can also be scheduled at businesses, civic organizations, non-profit organizations or schools. Participants will learn:
Behavior signs in adults that may pose a risk to children or teens;
"Grooming" techniques used by abusers;
Behaviors in children or teens that indicate that they have been victimized;
Reasons why victims do not report the abuse;
Proper response techniques.

To schedule a training session, or to find out more information about the Enough Abuse campaign, call 973-940-3500.
Join the Community Campaign and say, "Enough Secrets, Enough Shame, Enough Hurt, Enough Confusion, Enough Denial.
Enough Child Sexual Abuse!"