Case Management Provides the Foundation for Individual and Family Services at Project Self-Sufficiency
Case Management is the cornerstone of every service provided to individuals and families at Project Self-Sufficiency of Sussex County.

A Partnership
Project Self-Sufficiency of Sussex County was founded on the belief that each participant brings a host of unique talents and challenges to their situation.
Participants are assigned a Case Manager at their initial intake. After collaborating with the participant on the development of long and short term goals, the Case Manager helps to shepherd each participant along their individual path to economic self-sufficiency and family stability.
The programs at Project Self-Sufficiency are designed to prevent welfare dependence, intergenerational poverty, unemployment, family instability, homelessness, school failure, involvement in the juvenile justice system, substance abuse and other at-risk behaviors. Project Self-Sufficiency is committed to continuing to serve the needs of families for generations to come.
The relationship between the Case Manager and the participant is based on mutual respect, and for many participants, their Case Manager is the only positive force in their life.