Connections Matter at Project Self-Sufficiency
Project Self-Sufficiency is a chapter of the Positive and Adverse Childhood Experience (PACES) Initiative. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) is a range of events experienced by a child which could lead to stress and result in trauma, thereby impacting long term physical, mental and emotional well-being. It is our goal, through education and training, to raise awareness about ACES while focusing on positive resilience and coping skills which will ultimately break the cycle and prevent ACES for our youth.

Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences
Through outreach, gathering and discussion, the Project Self-Sufficiency Connections Matter initiative aims to provide:
Intensive ACES education
An overview of the Impact on the Brain
Information, Educational Videos, Peer-to-Peer Interaction
Tips and Strategies for Building Resiliency
Featured Trauma Expert Presenters and Topics
Connections Matter
Connections Matter is a program funded by the New Jersey Department of Children and Families and led by Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey designed to engage providers, parents and community members in building caring connections to improve resiliency. The focus is to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma and demonstrate how caring connections serve as a primary buffer in the negative effects of trauma. The training is appropriate for all community residents, especially parents and providers raising and teaching school aged children.

Join us at Project Self-Sufficiency for a discussion of the issues surrounding Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs)!
Guest speakers, Workshops & More. Separate presentations in English and in Spanish.
Advance registration encouraged.
Call 973-940-3500 for information or to register for training sessions.

Understanding ACEs
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Building Self-Healing Communities
Learn how adversity affects neurological and biological health throughout life.
Discuss the impact of childhood trauma on population health.
Understand how protection, prevention, and promoting resilience can improve health, safety and productivity